Collection model

Footprint provides two tables that respectively record the latest statistics and daily statistics of collections. These tables facilitate real-time tracking of collection status and enable users to retrospectively analyze the historical performance of collections.

  1. nft_collection_latest_stats(Live)
    1. floor_price
    2. total_supply
    3. number_of_holders
    4. total_minted
    5. market_cap
  2. nft_collection_daily_stats
    1. Basic
      1. number_of_holders
      2. total_minted
      3. total_supply
      4. market_cap
    2. Sales
      1. number_of_sellers
      2. number_of_buyers
      3. number_of_sales_transactions
      4. volume
      5. liquidity_rate
    3. Price
      1. floor_price
      2. avg_price
      3. max_price
      4. min_price
    4. Transaction
      1. number of transactions
      2. number_of_mint_transactions
      3. number_of_transfer_transactions
      4. number_of_burn_transactions
      5. number_of_sales_transactions

Footprint API

Get above data from Footprint REST API:

REST API endpointdescription
getNFTCollectionsStatsReturns the statistics metrics data of a given NFT collection.
getNFTCollectionFloorPriceHistoryReturns the floor price history of a given NFT collection.
getNFTCollectionMarketCapHistoryReturns the market cap history of a given NFT collection.
getNFTCollectionVolumeHistoryReturns the volume history of a given NFT collection.

Check the following dataset while you’re using SQL API to access:

  1. nft_collection_daily_stats
  2. nft_collection_latest_stats


More API endpoints?

Feel free to contact us in Foorpint discord click here.

Data sample

  "message": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": [
      "collection_slug": "bored-ape-yacht-club",
      "on_date": "2023-10-16",
      "chain": "Ethereum",
      "collection_contract_address": "0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d",
      "number_of_holders": 6615,
      "number_of_buyers": 19,
      "number_of_sellers": 25,
      "number_of_transactions": 196,
      "number_of_mint_transactions": 0,
      "number_of_burn_transactions": 0,
      "number_of_sales_transactions": 31,
      "number_of_transfer_transactions": 196,
      "total_minted": 0,
      "total_supply": 10000,
      "amount_currency": "ETH",
      "volume_amount": 1203.0300000000002,
      "max_price_amount": 31.5,
      "avg_price_amount": 25.59638297872341,
      "min_price_amount": 24.68,
      "floor_price_amount": 24.68995,
      "market_cap_amount": 0,
      "volume": 1896461.7757275933,
      "max_price": 50433.57566322726,
      "avg_price": 40981.49579880601,
      "min_price": 39514.30626566504,
      "floor_price": 39530.23687131104,
      "market_cap": null,
      "collection_name": "BoredApeYachtClub",
      "liquidity_rate": 0.0031
  "latest_time": "2023-10-16"