Wash trade model

NFT wash trading refers to the practice of artificially inflating the trading volume or perceived demand for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) through deceptive and coordinated trading activities. It involves individuals or groups buying and selling NFTs among themselves or using multiple accounts to create the illusion of genuine market activity.

transaction_entity_tagdocuments the wash trade transactions detected by Footprint.

  1. entity_id: transaction hash
  2. tag_name:wash_trading_v1
  3. entity_ns_name:(ns:name space, targert chain, e.g. nft/transaction/wash_trading/BNB Chain)

Footprint API

Get above data from Footprint REST API:

REST API endpointdescription
isWashTradeReturns whether the transaction hash is wash trading.

Check the following dataset while you’re using SQL API to access:

  1. transaction_entity_tag


More API endpoints?

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Data sample

  "message": "success",
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "is_wash_trade": false