Footprint has richest blockchain data, including chains, contracts, protocols, NFT collections, address, tokens, labels and etc. Get started with Footprint Data Overview dashboard to obtain the understanding what data are we having.
Further, for each domain, its description will be given; data relation criteria, and an abstract scheme for converting and storing data from bronze tables to silver and gold.
All data related to non-renewable tokens. Transactions for ERC-725 and ERC-1155, information about collections, marketplaces.

NFT data pipeline

Solana data pipeline
All network data without any particular categorization. This domain contains mostly raw data (bronze level).

Common chain data pipeline
Given by the addresses of the respective addresses (EOA, smart contracts) as well as by their balances.

Address data pipeline
Protocol data, which may include various Defi, NFT, Gamefi instruments.

Protocol data pipeline
Data on various fungible tokens across networks. Supply statistics, market cap, inflation, etc.

Token data pipeline
Static data
Static data serving mainly as directories.

Static data relations
Updated almost 2 years ago