Telegram bot

Add Growthly Bot to Your Telegram Group

As the Owner/Admin of a Group, adding the bot is simple:

  1. In your Telegram chat, click on your Group Name and select Add Member.

  1. Please search for "GrowthlyBot" in the search bar, select "Growthly," and then click on Add.

  1. Promote the GrowthlyBot to admin.

Add GrowthlyBot to Your Telegram Channel

As the Owner/Admin of a Group, 2 ways to add GrowthlyBot to a Telegram Channel

  1. Add Member
    1. Add GrowthlyBot and Make admin

  1. Add administrator

    1. When the channel exceeds 200 members, you can't directly add members, but you can directly add GrowthlyBot as a channel admin.

After adding bot to your Telegram Group, you can check the Telegram Community Stats in this dashboard by entering your telegram group id:

Tips: the way to get the telegram group id is : Go to Telegram web and open a channel, get the ID from -[channel id] from hash in the path

-9999999999999 is the group ID.