
The udf_hex_reverse function is used to reverse the order of the bytes in a hexadecimal string. This can be useful when working with data that is stored in a specific endianness and you need to convert it to another endianness.

Here's how you can use the udf_hex_reverse function in a SQL query:

SELECT udf_hex_reverse('0000000773594000') AS reversed_hex;

In this query, we're calling the udf_hex_reverse function with a hexadecimal string '0000000773594000'. The function will reverse the order of the bytes in this string and return it as the result.


Let's take a look at an example of how you might use the udf_hex_reverse function:

SELECT udf_hex_reverse('0000000773594000') AS reversed_hex;

In this example, we're calling the udf_hex_reverse function with a hexadecimal string '0000000773594000'. The function will reverse the order of the bytes in this string and return it as the result.

    round(cast(udf_bytearray_to_bigint(udf_hex_reverse(json_value(decoded_data,'lax $.amount'))) as double)*power(0.1,9),8)  as amount_raw
    ,json_value(decoded_data,'lax $.amount') as amount_code
    ,substring(json_value(decoded_data,'lax $.withdrawal_credentials'),1,4) as withdrawal_credentials_type
    ,udf_bytearray_to_bigint(udf_hex_reverse(json_value(decoded_data,'lax $.index'))) as deposit_index
    ,concat('0x',substring(json_value(decoded_data,'lax $.withdrawal_credentials'),27)) as withdrawal_address
    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY  transaction_hash,json_value(decoded_data,'lax $.amount')  ORDER BY log_index) AS table_merging_deposits_id
    from ethereum_decoded_events
    where block_timestamp >= date_add('day',-7,current_date)
        and contract_address = '0x00000000219ab540356cbb839cbe05303d7705fa'
        and event_name = 'DepositEvent'


The udf_hex_reverse function is a useful tool for reversing the order of the bytes in a hexadecimal string. It can be particularly useful when working with data that is stored in a specific endianness and you need to convert it to another endianness.

This tutorial provides a basic introduction to the udf_hex_reverse function and how it can be used to reverse the order of the bytes in a hexadecimal string in SQL queries. For more advanced use cases or specific requirements, you may need to refer to the official documentation or consult with a Footprint Analytics expert.