
Get the user statistics of GameFi collection

Parameters replace:

  • <QUICKNODE_URL>: Set to your own quicknode RPC URL
  • <protocol_slug>: The protocol slug of the protocol, eg: era7-game-of-truth
  • <start_time>: The query supports time period query, when start_time is specified, but end_time is not specified, the default query is the data of 24 hours after start_time (including start_time); if you do not specify start_time and end_time, the default query is yesterday , eg: 2022-08-15
  • <end_time>: When end_time is specified, but no start_time is specified, the default query is 24 hours before end_time (not including end_time) , eg: 2022-08-16
  • <limit>: Page size, Defaults to 100, capped at 100, eg: 100
  • <offset>: The offset for pagination, capped at 80000 eg: 1
curl -i '<QUICKNODE_URL>' -X POST -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{ 
  	"jsonrpc": "2.0",
  	"method": "fp_getGameFiUserStatistics",
  	"id": 1,


  result: [
     	 "on_date": "2021-12-14",
       "chain": "BNB Chain",
       "protocol_slug": "era7-game-of-truth",
       "new_users_7d_pct_change": 1,
       "new_users_360d_pct_change": 1,
       "new_users_30d_pct_change": 1,
       "active_users_30d_pct_change": 1,
       "number_of_total_users": 2,
       "number_of_active_users": 2,
       "active_users_360d_pct_change": 1,
       "active_users_1d_pct_change": 1,
       "active_users_180d_pct_change": 1,
       "number_of_new_users": 2,
       "new_users_180d_pct_change": 1,
       "new_users_1d_pct_change": 1,
       "active_users_7d_pct_change": 1,
       "protocol_name": "Era7: Game of Truth"